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Premio @asLAN a proyectos de Transformación Digital en Administraciones y Organismos Públicos

Premio @asLAN a proyectos de Transformación Digital  en Administraciones y Organismos Públicos

La Asociación @asLAN premia experiencias de éxito en la Administración Pública Española en la aplicación y uso de Tecnologías de la Información y Comunicaciones que contribuyen a mejorar la eficiencia, atención al ciudadano y reducción de costes. Así, dentro de la Categoría SmartCites, ha reconocido la labor del Consorcio Regional de Transportes a través del proyecto BIT (Billética Inteligente del Transporte).



Premio "Muévete Verde"

Premio Muévete Verde EMT

El Ayuntamiento de Madrid reconoció la labor del Consorcio de Transportes de Madrid en beneficio de una movilidad más sostenible, dentro de la categoría de Campañas de comunicación y sensibilización por una movilidad sostenible, por nuestro programa de Rutas Verdes, que fomenta la intermodalidad ligada al ocio.


Premio Madrid Accesible

Logo Premio Madrid Accesible

Premio concedido a la web del CRTM por facilitar un acceso completamente universal a sus contenidos, con independencia del perfil del navegante. La página incorpora desarrollos informáticos que amoldan los contenidos a las distintas necesidades sensoriales, permitiendo elegir entre escuchar la web, navegar hablando o acceder al contenido multimedia con el teclado.

CITRAM: Special Mention for Best Public Work

CITRAM Special Mention for Best Public Works

Distinction granted by the Madrid Branch of the Association of Civil Engineering, Channels and Ports in the category of "Best Public Work". This award recognizes the pioneering nature of CITRAM (Center for Integrated Public Transport Management), and its contribution to good public transport service.


MetroRail Award: Smart Cities Design

Premio Metro Rail Ciudades Inteligentes

The Consorcio de Transportes de Madrid was awarded within the category of Smart Cities Design, which valued those leading projects in the configuration of a public transport integrated network and a sustainable and safe mobility.





The goal of "Intermodes" is to create an exchange platform among all passenger transport European sectors. CRTM's work as regards intermodality was recognised with the first award granted by this Forum.




Award to Accessibility in Public Transport

Award to Accessibility in Public Transport

The DFA (Physically Handicapped of Aragon) Foundation has granted a first award to Accessibility in Interchange Stations of the Madrid Region, within the category "Urban", as a recognition to the work performed by the CRTM.





Award to the Development and Compliance Centre

Award to the Development and Compliance Centre

Within the National Congress on Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) the CRTM was granted the Development and Compliance Centre Award of the project "Billetaje Inteligente en el Transporte" (Transport Smart Tickets), as a reference centre for the integration of ITS (Intelligent Transportation Systems) technologies, in the sector of public transport tickets.



Award to the CRTM as driving entity of the ITS systems

ITS's Award to CRTM

ITS Spain, association working to make safer, more sustainable and efficient mobility of people, has granted to CRTM an award as the driving entity of the Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) in public transport.





"HC Segunda Oportunidad" Association Award

Award from  HC Second Chance

The Regional Transport Consortium Madrid received the award from the Association "HC Second Chance", in recognition of the initiatives adopted by this organization to encourage the involvement to rescue a person in cardiac arrest in Madrid public transport facilities.


OSMOSE Award: Innovation in sustainable urban transport

OSMOSE Award 2011


The Consorcio Regional de Transportes de Madrid received the OSMOSE award for its innovative approach in the field of sustainable urban transport ; award that recognizes local and regional authorities have introduced to address current challenges in urban transport in a sustainable and effective way.






V POTENCIA Awards of Public Works and Civil Engineering Machinery

POTENCIA Award of Public Works and Civil Engineering Machinery


POTENCIA magazine (Professional journal of Machinery, Public Works and Infrastructures) in the framework of the V Potencia Awards of Machinery for Public Works and Civil Engineering, granted the award for the category of Urban Works to the Transport Interchangers Plan of Madrid.




TF-UITP Award to best public transport innovation

TF-UITP Award to best public transport innovation

Two international prestigious organisations in the transport sector, the International Transport Forum (ITF), promoted by OCDE, and the International Public Transport Association (UITP), have granted together the Award to Public Transport Innovation Excellence to Consorcio de Transportes de Madrid.


Award to Best Public Work: Demarcation of Madrid by the Association of Civil Engineering

Award to Best Public Work

The Madrid Branch of the Association of Civil Engineering granted the First Award to the Best Public Work to Madrid's Interchange Stations Plan, highlighting their contributions in intermodality, safety, accessibility, urban integration and technological innovation.




LRT UITP Award: Best initiative of light rail

UITP Award to Light Rail

During the Worldwide Light Rail Congress, UITP (International Public Transport Association) granted to the Madrid Region the award to the best light rail initiative for starting up, in record time, lines ML2 and ML3.




Award to National Merit for altruistic blood donation

Award to National Merit for altruistic blood donation

The CRTM contributes regularly to blood donation campaigns, which are performed in the public transport system, for which he received an award to National Merit for Altruistic Blood Donation.




Award to Fire Safety Measures

Award to Fire Safety Measures

With this distinction, the Fire Department of Madrid acknowledged the excellent safety measures adopted in interchange stations, whose projects were developed and designed in accordance with the recommendations of the intervention teams.





Award to Best Urban Project

Award to Best Urban Project

The "Actualidad Económica" magazine granted the award to best urban project to the Construction Plan of new interchange stations, considered, as a whole, the best urban project the administrations have ever developed.

PRODIS Award in the Entities category

PRODIS Award 2009

The Committee of Entities that Represent Disabled People in the Madrid Region (CERMI Madrid Region), during its X Anniversary, has granted the X PRODIS Award within the Entities category to the work performed in Madrid's interchange stations, due to their commitment to disabled people.



International Award to Intermodality

International Award to Intermodality

Within Congress "Interchange 2002" was granted "The UITP International Interchange Award" to the Transport Interchanger of Avenida de América, defining it the jury as the best example that existed as regards intermodality.





XXV Awards of SEGURITECNIA magazine as regards safety

Awards of SEGURITECNIA magazine as regards safety

SEGURITECNIA magazine granted the Award T-3, RESEARCH ACTIVITY TROPHY (I + D) as regards safety in the Interchange Stations Plan of Madrid.


"Muévete Verde" Award

Muévete Verde Award

The Township of Madrid recognises the work in favour of an effective mobility to the Consorcio Regional de Transportes de Madrid, with occasion of the 25th anniversary of the institution.





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