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To use the card, you must charge transport ticket valid and that corresponds to the journey to be carried out. The validation is mandatory in the readers marked in the access equipment of the different operators.
Up to three different tickets can be charged on the same card.
The card must be presented to the reader, who will deduct one trip at each validation, informing the screens of the validation equipment of the remaining travel balance.
Card with charge and recharge of a bonobús of zone A-B2, realizes the third validation; the screen will inform you that there are 17 trips available.
As many consecutive validations can be made as travelers use the service with the same card, with the sole condition that travelers must remain with the cardholder.
In case you have loaded a Travel Pass and be within the area concerned, the validation machine will first read the Travel Pass and if a consecutive validation is performed, a trip of the other ticket (if also valid for that zone) will be deducted on the card.
Card with a charge of a Travel Pass A and a Metrobús ticket. If validated twice consecutively, the machine will first read the Travel Pass A and in the second validation will deduct a trip from the Metrobús ticket and the screen will inform you of the remaining trips on the card.
If the Travel Pass charged on the card does not correspond to the fare zone, a trip of the charged ticket corresponding to that zone will be deducted.
Card charged with a Travel Pass A and a bonobus from zone B1. If the trip is made in a locality of zone B1 (Alcobendas, for example), a trip of bonobús B1 will be deducted and the screen will inform of the trips available.
Currently, the charging points network are the following:
Any Travel Passes of all zones and modalities can be loaded in the points mentioned above.
The Annual Pass requires the issue of a new TTP card when its first charge. In subsequent recharges, the user will be notified in due course on how to proceed regarding deadline and sites.
In the following map you can search or consult the points of sale of the Travel Pass: